Celebrating our first generation of Veterans 230 years ago this month

Happy Veterans Day!

Today we celebrate the service of our nation’s veterans and the sacrifices they’ve made for the noble cause of democracy and freedom. In a few weeks’ time, however, a date will likely pass without much notice or fanfare, but will mark the 230th anniversary of an important date in our country’s incredible history.

Veterans Day 230 yearsThat date is November 25 and the year was 1783.  It marks the date that the British evacuated New York City (Manhattan to be specific) and ended seven years of occupation by the military forces of King George III, and a long and costly war for both sides of the conflict.  The Revolutionary War was over.  Ironically, the location of this event was just a few miles from Kips Bay, where in 1776, General George Washington had shouted in rage and despair at his retreating army … a rare moment of visible emotion for the commander in chief.

What a difference seven years can make.  On November 25, 1783, high noon was the time set for the official relinquishment of power between the British forces and the American military commanded by General George Washington and empowered by the Continental Congress … but that time ticked on by.  Finally, around 1:00 PM the British withdrew their troops from their last posts and the Americans marched in.  In the column of American troops was the Second Massachusetts Regiment, a single troop of dragoons, two artillery companies, and a battalion of light infantry … a small contingent compared to the vanquished forces of the British crown.

As the Americans took over, a parade formed, the new 13-stripe flag was unfurled, a 13-gun salute was prepared, bells rang from nearby churches and town buildings, and pride and excitement reigned throughout the city.  Throngs greeted the incoming troops and General Washington with shouts and tears of joy.

One woman later recalled in her diary the terribly moving scene, describing first the British troops and then the Americans:

“We had been accustomed for a long time to military display in all the finish and finery of garrison life. The troops just leaving us were as if equipped for show, and with their scarlet uniforms and burnished arms made a brilliant display. The troops that marched in, on the contrary, were ill-clad and weather- beaten, and made a forlorn appearance. But then, they were our troops, and as I looked at them and thought upon all they had done and suffered for us, my heart and my eyes were full, and I admired and glorified in them the more, because they were weather-beaten and forlorn.”

These “weather-beaten and forlorn” troops were, in fact, our first generation of veterans.  Like most veterans, I suppose, they had joined the “glorious cause” for a wide variety of reasons that hasn’t changed much over time:  Patriotism, adventure, loyalty, camaraderie, tradition, a sense community, a sense of service, a sense of belonging to a cause greater than themselves.

America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade goes to the dogs and cats

As kid I bet you loved Detroit’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. You’d waited all year long for the holiday season to begin and you couldn’t wait to watch the spectacular floats, loud marching bands, colorful clowns and high flying balloons move down Woodward. Then, finally, along came the reindeer pulling “the real Santa Claus” in his sleigh down the street to a podium where he accepted the key to our city “and the hearts of good children everywhere.”

Float 2 compressedWhat am I saying? I bet you still love it as an adult.  I also bet you love animals. Well, have I got a deal for you. This year there is a new float in the America’s Thanksgiving Parade that is loaded with dogs and cats … wagging tails and all.

The new Strategic Staffing Solutions’ float called “Disco Dogs & Cool Cats” will be a star in this year’s parade. Called the world’s longest convertible by The Parade Company, this larger-than-life mobile display measures more than 120 feet long and is more than 14 feet tall. It’s adorned with more than 17 cats and dogs, an 8-foot tall disco ball and more than 100 dog bones. Take special notice of the dog and cat sitting at the front of the float. The dog is Chrissy and the cat is Trumbull, the pets of Paul Huxley, S3 chairman, and Cindy Pasky, the company’s president, CEO and founder. Huxley is also vice chairman of the Michigan Humane Society board.

The float is sure to become a favorite for animal lovers and parade goers alike. It was designed by Mishara Walker from S3 in collaboration with The Parade Company.

float 3 compressedThe float was unveiled on Wednesday, October 23 by S3 and The Parade Company along the riverfront at Rivard Plaza and Pavilion, which is maintained and operated by the Detroit RiverFront Conservancy. The Conservancy is developing three-and-a-half miles along the east riverfront, which has more than three million visitors annually.

“At S3 we value traditions. Traditions like the America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade bring joy to so many and bring together the metro Detroit community,” said Pasky. “This parade is truly part of Detroit’s culture. It is a very special and wonderful time to show our city off to the world.  S3 is very pleased to be a part of it.”

“We are extremely grateful to have S3 as a Parade Company supporter and our team is privileged to work with a Detroit company that is so committed to our community and region,” said Tony Michaels, president & CEO of The Parade Company.

float 5 compressedThe unveil also supported the Michigan Humane Society. Those attending brought a can of pet food drive and all who donated entered a chance to win a unique opportunity to walk in the parade with S3.

The need to help animals in Detroit is great. Huxley said the humane society’s Cruelty and Rescue Team responds to 10,000 calls each year. In addition, the society’s Detroit Center for Animal Care at 7401 Chrysler Drive just off I-75 sheltered 12,000 animals this year alone.

So, in honor of the new float and dogs and cats everywhere, put your paws together for Detroit, America’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, The Parade Company and the Michigan Humane Society.

The story behind our green Detroit roots

Green. Why in the world is everything at S3 green?

detroit-tigers-s3It’s one of those things that inevitably comes up with new hires and talked about with customers. Why, in a world where everyone’s trying to attach themselves to the color and flavor of the month, did Strategic Staffing Solutions pick, and stick with, deep green as its corporate color 20 years ago?

To find the answer, you need to look back into the history of the company, its proud Detroit roots and the passion S3’s founder, Cindy Pasky, has for baseball.

If you’ve met Cindy, you know she’s an avid Detroit Tigers fan. Opening Day in Detroit is a spectacle, especially around the S3 office. It’s common on that day to see the office filled with folks working in the jerseys of their favorite Tiger players.

But as you might know, the colors of the Detroit Tigers are orange, blue and white. Not green. So you may think our story is ending. Au Contraire!

Here’s an interesting fact. If you took a look at the seats of the old Tiger Stadium, the one Cindy watched the games from as a child and the one the Tigers still played at when S3 was founded, you’d notice they are … you guessed it … that shade of green!

Now you know why S3 goes green.

Strategic Staffing Solutions Ranked As One of Michigan’s Top 10 Diversity-Owned Businesses

Strategic Staffing Solutions has been ranked as one of Michigan’s top 10 diversity-owned businesses by DiversityBusiness.com. The award also distinguishes S3 as one of the leading woman-owned companies in the US.

DiversityBusiness.com, a national web-based resource portal for business communications, surveyed more than 1.3 million businesses in the US for its 13th annual business recognition. S3 was listed in three categories based on its revenue, employment numbers and growth rate.

For 2013, S3 ranked 9th among the Top 50 Diversity Owned Businesses in Michigan, 30th among the Top 500 Women Owned Businesses in the US, and 91st  among the Top 500 Diversity Owned Businesses in the US. This is the sixth consecutive year S3 has been named to one or more of DiversityBusiness.com’s top business lists.

“The S3 team is dedicated to finding new solutions and opportunities for our customers,” said Cynthia J. Pasky, S3 president and CEO. “That commitment is what drives our company and builds the relationships we need to continue to be one of the leading entrepreneurs in the US. We are proud to be named a Top Business recipient.”

Strategic Staffing launches Military Pilot Program

Transitioning from the military to civilian life can be a challenge. After spending four years or more in the service of our country, those leaving the military have to decide what roads to take to shape the rest of their lives.

With that in mind Cindy Pasky and Ken Huxley, Southwest branch manager and a retired Air Force colonel), collaborated and developed S3s first Military Pilot Program (aka the S3 Combat Recruiting Support Team). Under that program four former military people joined S3 as sourcers in the San Antonio office.

“The military requires its people to think fast, learn quickly, adapt easily, build solid relationships and have strong ethics and that fits S3 to a T,” Pasky said. “We are so pleased to have this new team onboard and are confident they will be able to bring many former military people onboard as consultants.

“Military people know the value of teamwork, and of being resourceful,” she said, pointing out that more than 70% of Fortune 1000 executives are former military members. “We welcome them to S3 and our ‘Go Green’ culture.”

The new team is working out of the Southwest Branch, but they’ll provide sourcing support for branches across the company.

“The focus for our program is to get talented people from the military and help them become recruiters,” Huxley said. “We will grow from within.

“We offered them the opportunity to come in and learn sourcing from ground up. The team is in a sourcing role so they can learn the technology and get the lay of land. Then, as they get experience with customers across country, they will transition from sourcer to junior recruiter and then senior recruiter,” he said. “While joint military operations are typically coded purple, these guys are already S3 Green.”

Strategic Staffing and Cindy Pasky playing a key role in Detroit’s transformation

S3 is committed to working with the communities in which it does business. That goes big time for Detroit, which as most know is in the midst of a financial crisis. Even so the business community remains vested and invested the city.

strategic-staffing-solutions-invested-in-detroitIt’s up to Cindy Pasky, S3 founder and CEO, to carry that message out to world as chair of the Downtown Detroit Partnership. DDP is a private/public partnership of corporate and civic leaders that support, advocate and develop programs and initiatives designed to create a clean, safe, beautiful, inviting, vibrant and economically viable Downtown Detroit community.

This group has taken on the challenge of transforming Detroit into a great urban neighborhood with a unique point of view where people will choose to live, work, and play. Not an easy task but Pasky has created a collaborative, committed board that works together to get things done in Detroit as quickly as possible.

“One of my favorite quotes is from Winston Churchill, ‘A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty,’” Pasky said. “Optimists are rarely in their comfort zone. They embrace change and move forward. DDP is full of optimists and optimism and it’s paying off. It’s the same philosophy we have at S3.”

Here are just a few things DDP hopes to achieve by 2016:

  • The startup of the M1-Rail project, a 3.3-mile light rail/streetcar circulator that will connect downtown Detroit to the New Center district Woodward Avenue. It’s set to break ground this summer, with a target open-for-business date in the last half of 2015.
  • Increase the number of employees working in downtown Detroit to 100,000
  • The creation of dense walkable downtown neighborhoods with really great amenities
  • The revitalization of public spaces so they will attract more people to downtown to live, work and play
  • The addition of 1,200 new residents downtown bringing the total number to around 7,000

S3 is playing a role in achieving that goal. It is part of DDP’s Live Downtown program, which is open to S3 employees. It gives them a $20,000 forgivable loan toward the purchase of new home downtown and new renters a $2,500 allowance toward the cost of their apartment in the first year followed by additional funding of $1,000 for the second year. There are also incentives for current downtown homeowners and renters.

“Strategic Staffing Solutions has been located in Detroit since we opened 22 years ago and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to further invest in both our employees and our city through supporting Live Downtown,” said Pasky. “I hope more of our employees take advantage of the program. I’ve lived downtown for 26 years and I know they’ll find it exciting.

“Detroit is a model for placemaking. It is a special place that overflows with opportunities … just like S3.”